| Items with the grading S or SA are as close to new as you can get. Usually they are either new old stock or have only been used a couple of times. You will find it very difficult to see any issues with these items. |
 | Items with the grading A are in beautiful condition. They have been used but you will find it tough to spot any marks. However as they have been used there might be a couple of small marks. |
 | Items with the grading AB are in excellent condition. They have been used but you will find it tough to spot many marks. However as they have been used there might be a couple of marks. |
 | Items with the grading B are in very clean condition. There are small signs that the item has been used previously but in general they are very tidy. |
 | Items with the grading BC are in better than average condition. There are signs that the item has been used previously but in general they are clean and tidy. |
 | Items with the grading C are in good condition. There are signs that the item has been used previously and have be pre-owned. |
 | Items with the grading CD are in good condition. There are more signs of wear including rubbing and scratches. |
 | Items with the grading D are in average condition. There are signs of defects and wear including rubbing, tears and scratches but in the most part the items are still usable. |
 | Items with the grading DE are in bad condition. There are many signs of defects and wear including rubbing, tears and scratches and might require some repairing. |